Tuesday 1 March 2016

Perfect Match!

Hey Beautiful People!

Is it me or did anyone else notice how fast February flew by? Well, Today is the first day in March and I am confident that this month is going to be filled with positive accomplishments.

One of the universal girl problems is the issue of Foundation mismatch. I mean, we can all relate. We all hear stuff like "I cant seem to find my shade", "I look washed out", "this foundation is too light/dark" ; and the list goes on of all the endless complaints we hear about finding the perfect foundation match. In this post, I will try to explain the best way I can, on how to find your "Perfect Match"!

Photo Credit: Google Images

Thursday 11 February 2016

DivaNista Defined...

Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great week? So far, my week has been productive and I'm pretty excited because I'm hopeful everything I'm working on will pan out.

I realised that I've never quite done a post about the DivaNista experience. It is an experience, because it is more than just shopping. We just don't leave you to yourself. We are hands on with our customers and always available to advise whenever necessary, to ensure you make great choices. The energy is always positive and the vibe right, hence, our clients are always satisfied and happy. As far as we at DivaNista are concerned, Fashion is a lifestyle...

Welcome to DivaNista...

Monday 8 February 2016

Birthday Girl!

Hey Guys!

This is a birthday post! Yaaaay! Super excited!

Birthday Cakes, Yum! 
Technically, today isn't my birthday, but I prepared the post on my birthday, February 3rd, but I forgot to hit the "publish" button! Oh shocks! I think I got way too excited, that I didn't remember to post!

Monday 1 February 2016

Rustic Print...

Hey Guys,

I hope you had a fun filled or otherwise restive weekend? Either way, I am just glad that its February already, which is my birth month by the way! Yippie Yaaay!!! So yeah, I'm super excited and very optimistic about all the opportunities waiting to be explored this month...

Looking forward to the future like...lol!

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Bronze Beauty...

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are having a great week? This post is all about the look I wore to my friend's traditional wedding ceremony, sometime last December.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Grecian Goddess...

Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year! I wish you all a productive and prosperous new year! Who missed me? I definitely missed blogging and y'all my virtual family! I'm sorry for the hiatus guys! What can I say? Life happens even to the best of us, lol! ... But, I'm back now and "hopefully", there will be no break in transmission.

Monday 2 November 2015

Cobalt Crush!

Hey Guys,

I was flipping through the photos on my phone and saw the pictures of a wedding I attended sometime in July, and I thought to dish out all the deets about the outfit and makeup.

Monday 26 October 2015

Personal Style...

Hi Everyone,

The key to having great personal style, is staying true to who you really are. What makes you feel the most beautiful? What catches your eye? What makes you feel the most comfortable? Truth is, we are all different and unique and so should our personal style.

Monday 19 October 2015

The "Dodo" Effect...

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had an awesome weekend?

Like I said in an earlier post, if you missed it check HERE , Capes are all the rage right now. Infact, I doubt that we have seen the last of it yet, as it looks like its going to be around for a very long time! Hence, the reason for this post.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Flawless Face...

Hey Gorgeous,

They say, "Beauty is skin deep".

While I'm not an authority on skin care, neither am I a skin care expert of sorts, I'd just like to share my personal skin care regime with you all.

One compliment I tend to get a lot of is "Oh wow, you have gorgeous skin", "Your face is flawless" (I've got loads of flaws, lol!) or "What do you use on your face?". Well, I'd be spilling all my skin care secrets!

First of all, I'd like to say I've got good genes, but then, I'd be lying if I said I don't use anything to improve it and keep it in great shape!